Training institute / Place:

CAPSTONELAW, Gartenstrasse 11, 8002 Zurich (Enge)

Nature of the course:

Classroom course “CAPSTONELAW – Initial Training in the field of FINSA Rules of Conduct” in the business premises of CAPSTONELAW with a maximum of 4 participants per course. The knowledge transfer is carried out by one of CAPSTONELAW’s partners. Upon request, the course may be held over video conference. If there are at least 4 participants, we will gladly hold the training in your business premises.
Duration of the training:
one half day (4.5 hours)
Course language:
German; upon request, also in English
Course dates:

each of the following Fridays from 8.30 to approximately 13.00 o’clock

09 April 2021
16 April 2021
30 April 2021
07 May 2021

and, for groups of at least 4 participants, by individual arrangement.

NEW: We request individual training dates. Please ask us if you are interested. 

Course fee:
CHF 490.- per participant
Form of evidence:
Course participants will receive an individualized certificate which will indicate the course attendance, date, duration and content of the course.